AbleCommerce development company

AbleCommerce is a complete shopping cart system that is designed to assist merchants with day-to-day management of customers, orders and the catalog system. Customers will find your online store easy to use and navigate with a variety of features that will captivate their interest. AbleCommerce offers a one-page checkout system which is proven to retain more customers during the ordering process. The merchant, small or large, will benefit from a certified PCI ecommerce solution. With over 9 years of ecommerce shopping cart development experience, we will be able to provide you the tools necessary to run your online store with the support of AbleCommerce.

What we offer:

  • A complete solution including catalog and product management systems, order, payment and shipping management systems and customer management.
  • All store administration is online using the latest versions of IE and Firefox. Create as many AbleCommerce administrators as you need.
  • Intuitive administration interface with on screen help and the Merchant Dashboard where you can view popular sales reports, order statuses and totals for the day.
  • Unlimited store categories, products and web pages in your store. Performance tested. Unsurpassed product reliability.
  • Industry Leading SEO (URL Re-writing)

Secure Visa/MC PCI certified solution

AbleCommerce software is officially PCI certified under the new and stricter PA-DSS v1.2 standards. AbleCommerce is one of the first shopping cart software products to be certified under the new PA-DSS certification process.

What we can do for you:

  • We can design custom ASP.NET themes for your store.
  • Completely customize the layout and appearance of any page using the scriptlets framework.
  • Utilize the power of nVelocity, include dynamic variables in your page html.
  • Use of ASP.NET themes means you can have a design-time preview in Visual Studio.
  • Harness the power of the ComponentArt Web.UI suite within your store.
  • Access a full library of controls for inserting dynamic content into your pages.

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